Due to precautions related to COVID-19, we have expanded our options for remote consultations. Please contact our office to discuss whether a full phone consultation or video conference is appropriate for your situation.

Click here to read more about Family Law issues during COVID-19.

Click here to learn more about Court House proceedings and Domestic Relations hearings during COVID-19. 

Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A.
Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A.

Phone: 407-839-1364

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Phone: 407-839-1364

Alimony Basics: Who What And How?

Alimony or spousal support can be one of the more confusing aspects of divorce. Unlike child support there are few specific or concrete laws that regulate alimony. However, there are several general guidelines that dictate the rules surrounding alimony and a few...

How does spousal support work in Florida?

Whether you left your career to raise children or supported a spouse through his or her education, you may be eligible for spousal support if you divorce. These payments provide the lower-earning partner with the means to become financially self-supporting.  Before...

Can I modify my alimony order?

In Florida, your divorce may end with an order for alimony to your spouse. This order is usually based upon some qualifying factors, such as the length of time you were married, what you and your spouse contributed to the marriage and the lifestyle you maintained...