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Click here to learn more about Court House proceedings and Domestic Relations hearings during COVID-19. 

Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A.
Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A.

Phone: 407-839-1364

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Phone: 407-839-1364

If you are heading for divorce, you may have some concern about your financial future. While you should receive an equitable share of the marital estate and perhaps even spousal support, you may also want to rejoin the workforce. 

If you primarily stayed home to raise the kids or perform household tasks during your marriage, going back to work may be a source of anxiety. Here are four ways you can likely ease the transition. 

1. Think about your long-term goals

While you may be in a hurry to return to work, you probably do not want to end up in a position you do not enjoy. Therefore, you should think about your long-term goals and passions. Consider talking to a career coach to see which jobs or fields may be a good fit for you. 

2. Showcase your qualifications

You may have a degree in a certain field or experience doing a specific job. Before applying to a position, update your resume to highlight your qualifications. Remember, being absent from the workforce is not necessarily bad, it may just require presenting yourself a bit differently. 

3. Pursue some training

If you lack the skills to do your dream job, you may want to pursue some vocational training or additional education. Many nonprofit organizations and community colleges offer classes on subjects ranging from bookkeeping to automotive repair. 

4. Arrange childcare

You should not feel guilty about leaving your kids to return to the workforce. Still, if you have had primary childcare duties during your marriage, leaving your children may give you some anxiety. Finding competent and convenient childcare may put your mind at ease as your start the first chapter of your post-divorce life.