Due to precautions related to COVID-19, we have expanded our options for remote consultations. Please contact our office to discuss whether a full phone consultation or video conference is appropriate for your situation.

Click here to read more about Family Law issues during COVID-19.

Click here to learn more about Court House proceedings and Domestic Relations hearings during COVID-19. 

Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A.
Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A.

Phone: 407-839-1364

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Phone: 407-839-1364

Dependency Cases

A dependency case is when the Department of Children and Families becomes involved and initiates a proceeding to have children declared dependent and therefore in need of protection by the Department. This happens when there are allegations of child abuse or child neglect. These legal proceedings are governed by Florida Statutes, chapter 39 and sometimes chapter 63 related to adoption. When a child or children is protected by DCF, the child can be placed in a foster home or with a family member. It is important to be mindful of your legal rights as a parent or other family member in a dependency case. If you are a parent, Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A. can help you through the difficult and often frustrating dependency system to help you complete your case plan and move towards getting your children back in your care. If you are a family member such as an aunt, uncle, or grandparent, and you wish to be involved or even care for the children, Mercedes R. Wechsler, P.A. can help you assert your rights under the law to have the children temporarily or permanently placed with you.